
Monday 29 July 2019

Changes Needed for Improved WebPage Performance

There are numerous ways of improving web-page performance. Each of the methods varies from one to the other Besides, and it also works differently for each person.
Users left with no patience. Hence, they want the website to load faster, quicker, and of course, user-friendly to navigate. There are three core areas to focus on.
  1. Hardware i.e. Web Server
  2. Server Side Scripting
  3. Front-end Performance
Those mentioned above are the three main areas to focus on web development. With that thought in mind, we have a curated blog that shows the necessary changes needed for the improved webpage performance. Curious to know? Let us check out the blog! 

HTTP Requests

HTTP stands for the Hypertext Transfer Protocol. The requests from the HTTP are numbered whenever a browser fetches the information, picture, or file from the server. 

As per the statistics, the HTTP requests tend to consume 80% of the webpage loading time. Besides, the browser will limit the requests to 4-8 connections per domain. Hence, this will result in using more HTTP requests. It will take longer to load as retrieving the data consumes time. 

So, try to minimize the HTTP requests by combining the CSS or JavaScript files. In addition to that, you can also reduce the number of images used. If they are huge, compress them to for fewer HTTP requests. 

Inline CSS and JavaScript

It’s by default that the browsers fetch the external CSS and JavaScript. When the user shifts from the landing page, the browser will store the stylesheets and of course, the JavaScript files.

If you are using plenty of CSS and JavaScript files in the HTML document, then you unable to take full advantage of the web-browser’s caching features.  

Speed-Optimized Theme

If you are a WordPress user, then you can improve the webpage performance by using the speed-optimized themes available for free and paid versions. For someone who lacks in coding, this turns out to be a brilliant option in optimizing the speed.

Also Read
Top 8 SEO Plugins For WordPress Website

Minimize Resources

When the web developers design the website, they use plenty of spaces, indentations, and line breaks for secure communication within the team. While this is helpful to them, it does make the webpage look clutter and longer. It also increases the page-loading time.

Therefore, a simple way to resolve it is by minimizing the resources that make the coding languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript leaner. You can also use the plugins for page loading time. 

Fixing Broken Links

Broken links tend to upset the customers and make the UX look poor. It also slows down the speed of the website. So, one has to check the broken links. If you try to do it manually, then it will undoubtedly become a tedious task. 

Thus, use the tools and plugins available to take care of the broken links. Once, you have installed the tool or plugin, then it will monitor all the links and gives notification via email or WordPress dashboard. 

Compressing Images

According to the statistics, 60% of the average bytes loads per page, this is around 1504 KB. Images consequently consume a large amount of the HTTP requests. Most of the times, we tend to download the photos from the stock and without knowing the size and later uploading it on the server without optimizing the images for the web that leads to a slower response.

If you find yourself in such a situation, then you can install the plugins that automatically optimizes the images. There are even software options available Image Optimizer and for optimizations. 

Dedicated Hosting

Last but not least comes the dedicated hosting options. If you are using the shared hosting option and not happy with the output, then it is high time to shift towards the dedicated hosting plans. It’s costly, but the investment is worth it.

One does not have to deal with the traffic surges and other small problems that occur in slowing down the web-page performance. But, when you have a dedicated hosting option, many advantages on your way. 

Time is money, especially when it comes to web-page performance. As we mentioned earlier, visitors go away from the websites that run slow; one has to make subsequent efforts in improvising it. 

The above seven changes help optimize web-page performance. Apart from the ones mentioned above, there are plenty of ways to try. So, go ahead and bring changes to your website. If you like the blog, then do share and drop suggestions in the comment section below. 

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